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15.06.2019 03:07
In 1978, my family Antworten

In 1978, my family lived in the tenth division of the Seventh Division and the Eighteenth Regiment. On the day of August, I was smashing firewood at the door of my house. I heard the neighbor��s 6-year-old Xiao Baixiang running back in a panic, saying that he and the next door were Jie Jie. The children played with water on the channel Parliament Cigarettes, and Jia Jie was washed away by the water. So, I quickly squatted down the axe in my hand and quickly ran to the side of the channel. I followed the canal to the lower reaches of the water. I ran two channels. It was only after seeing that Jiajie was at the entrance of the bridge. The children were surrounded by many branches. I was anxious and jumped out of my body. At that time, the water in the channel came to my neck. I was directly thrown into the water. Because at that time, there was no concrete slab at the bottom of the channel. There was a deep mud under the bridge hole, and I could not stand still. I have been in the water for half an hour, and I can't swim. I just want to catch the child, but I can't reach it. At this time, just a few people who came back from the field saw it. Sun Jizhou would swim in the water Newport Cigarettes Coupons. He quickly jumped into the water, opened the branches, and placed Jia Jie on the channel, even though he kept artificial breathing for the children. And other first-aid measures, because the drowning time is too long, the 4-year-old child lost his life. Fortunately, several other people rescued me from the water in time. I was unable to speak for a long time Newport Cigarettes. If they come later, my life is in danger. You look at our little childish face and write a lot of sadness; the last time I feel like us is better than my loved ones. After all, I couldn��t resist the separation. The tears that came out of our eyes filled our delicate face. It was the feelings accumulated in the past few years. The teacher and the students who were attached to it, no matter the boy or girl, at this moment, they were stuck together by tears. . Once the frolics, the once quarrels, everything that was once, at this moment, the water of the dyke. No one can control the touch of the heart! The girls who are twitching are coming to you: "Teacher Marlboro Lights, don't cry, don't cry, think about reading the day before, we are so embarrassed, all according to the teacher's request, with a serious attitude, Lang Lang The sound of reading, the eyes of seeking knowledge, draws on the little knowledge that falls in the book. You look at the heavy footsteps, can��t bear to look at it, don��t dare to look at our look, and fierce, my eyes are still vaguely disappointed by tears. It��s lucky to think about it, at least, in the last days of our departure, the teacher, you can accompany us to a morning reading, spend more time with us, and watch more of us reading and learning. Classmates, don't cry; teacher, don't cry, although "years old and old flowers are similar, old and new people are different", but teacher, I believe that the teacher and student life of a few years will not fade with time, grow together The little bit will not disappear with the embarrassment of the years, and the journey of life will not stop because of the farewell. The horn of the sail is just remembered, waiting for us will be a bigger setback and challenge! Students, come out We are firm Faith, always ready, persevere in your own dreams Cigarettes For Sale, brave struggle, fight hard postscript: six years of getting along with each other, but because of an exam, we will be scattered, to this day, each side, time! Please stop and look back Look, how beautiful we were at that time!
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